Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Week 11 -2 Page Layout

This layout contains the artwork at the right side and it is outlined in white so that in a way it is isolated making it stand out more. The title is in bold contrasting color from the line that goes through it. Then the sub-header is under with the main article text under it. Both the text and picture are separate components but by placing the black line across the two pages it unifies them as one.

Here the text is incorporated in the image. The post-it notes are around the text making the background come together as one so that the text appears to also be part of the picture. The image takes up both pages but the wall serves as the negative space.

The image and text are in two separate pages but the background color where the text is located matches that of the picture so that it can come together. The text is arranges so that half is the sub-heading and main text and what appears to be the title takes up the top half using big bold letters; leaving little negative space.

Like the previous two page spread the image and text are in separate pages, however the image that a clear background making it easier for the two pages to be unified with the same background color. On the first page where the text at two images are placed in the middle of the text. The images are incorporated in the text unlike the previous layout that had the post-it notes, where the text was incorporated in the image.

 In this layout almost all of the space is being used leaving almost no negative space. The tile is at the top corner set to the side while the text is in the half portion and at the top right corner. It seems as if the text was used primarily to occupy any negative space. The image however is placed right in the top middle portion of the two page spread. The main image is big while the others are places at the side with all having a circle border to keep them concise.

Here the image is again, taking up one side of the page however it sort of has a twist. Part of the image bleeds on to the second page so that it can connect and the image is also serving as a background for the title and sub-header. The quote section of the second page follows the same color scheme as the picture so that it all works in unity.

 The text is arranged in a text box so that it had the shape of an octagon and the arrangement of the octagons mimic that of the actual solid octagons in the top right corner. Now the octagon shape continues throughout the entire page spread. The text are colored in order to keep the color scheme consist. The negative space is used well so that each space is being occupied but not to the extent
where is feels as if it is being overcrowded.

 The image takes up all of the page and the text is arranged in the white space of that image. The title is incorporated in the image itself. Again the text is used to fill in the empty space and

 The text is slanted to that it can match the image in which the person is tilting to the side with the first letter going trough the picture to sort as sort of a bridge. The title and the sub-header are also slanted, overall the whole magazine is tilted to the side.

 This spread covers the entire two pages leaving no empty space what so ever. There are images in both pages and they seem to serve more as backgrounds than actual images. Although the text does contrast the text, there us so much black that it mutes the white text.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 8- Alphabet

To make my alphabet I used te pan tool to make the basic shapes like a square or triangle (like on the letter "A") and the. With the pen tool l made a lang rectangle which I used to make the whole for the "A". Before I cutted the shape I copied the rectangle and moved it to the side. I then used Pathfinder to make the whole and removed any access parts. I used the Direct Select arrow to adjust any small detail like the length of the cutouts. I used the same rectangle that I had on ylyhe side for the other cut outs of the letters, keeping the weight and changing the lenght according to the letter.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Week 7-10 Pictures

The pictures that I took had the concept of a path. I used my phone camera to take pictures of straight paths such as street, sidewalk, sidewalk cracks and rail roads. I took them during different times of the day as well as one in different weather. For the street ones I took them while I was in the car or in empty streets around my neighborhood. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Week 6-Hue/Saturation

After choosing what I wanted to draw I made a layer for the parts that I wanted to draw, which were the flower and the background. For the flower I made three layers: the outside, the inside of the flower and the part that appeared like the seed. With the Brush tool and Eyedropper I selected a color from the original drawing and painted over it on a separate layer. After a few strokes I outlined the part I was drawing and with the Clipping Mask made an outline to give it a clean look. For the background I did the same thing but made it as simple as possible while still keeping the shape of leaves so that the focus will be mainly on the flower.

For the other drawinga I changed the color with the appropriate color scheme. Monochromatic I kept it a sort of pink-ish color to match the flower. For analogous the color scheme was the original pink of the flower with purple leaves as the background.


